August 2022 Updates

August 2022 Updates August 7, 2022 As of the date of publication, and the 29 days since we picked up our aircraft, our team has fully cleaned the exterior of the aircraft, as well as pulled out the hydraulic system and other loose pieces that were inside the aircraft. It may still not look fully cleaned, but let me tell you, even 5 boxes of 12 magic erasers isn’t enough to fully remove every spec of dirt that’s been caked on the airplane for the last 76 years, so for what we’ve done so far, I’d say we’ve done pretty well… Especially when you see the difference between the cleaned and uncleaned sections (Right) . We’ve only just begun and there is so much more work to do; Hopefully if everything goes well we’ll be able to open our exhibit by the end of the fall of 2022 where visitors will be able to see the current state of the project as well as learn about the history of the aircraft and amphibian aircraft in general. Additionally, we hope to add a second aircraft to our collect...